Sadiedog..a piece of my heart.

To begin this piece I can tell you my eyes instantly water and my heart constricts with the emptiness my precious left when she traveled her Rainbow bridge.

Sadie was one of many dogs I have had but the one that has had the most impact and I am not quite sure as to the reasoning behind the continued heartache, however, there is joy, laughter, and love in the memories.

Sadie was a gift to help heal my broken heart.  I had just moved from Connecticut to Alabama and I left behind a fractured life.

My reasons for moving had several layers to it. My personal life and love relationship were in failure mode, breaking my heart but the most important reason was to be with my mom.   I knew I could not separate from her at this stage of her life as I was her companion and eventual caretaker.  A hard choice and one that was done, at the time, without some anger and bitterness of thought.   I simply decided moving south was the right thing for all areas of my life.

As I stated Sadie was a gift.  She was the 7th born from the final liter of two champions Poepie and Duke (their everyday names, not the official title names)  Poepie and Duke belonged to my Penny whom I shall be forever grateful.  She bred them one last time just for me.

I am not going to go into 16.5 years of adventures that were shared with Sadiedog but I wanted to give this precious gift her honor due and space on my site.

My Sadiedog, one of a kind, brave, loyal, loving, and feisty at times traveled the rainbow bridge in my arms.  Her ashes are with me still until my time. Our ashes will be together then together again we will be playing in the heavens..she is already there waiting…I believe that truly

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